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Sunday, 10 January 2010


over 100 votes in 1 day.....?

I have received a number of complaints about the crew of the year award 2009 being a skam due to ADD having over 100 votes in 1 day. But surely it is due to this fresh video going up on youtube just the other day.......... right?..


  1. these man are pussyholes

  2. I am so angry about add getting all these votes, its just not fair that they get to paint tubes and my crew dont because we cant get through those big metal fences. Maybe they cheat on that too i mean surely it is impossible to go into those depos and get away with what they are doing. Anyway, i will never accept that maybe they did actually get a lot of votes because they have done alot this year and that people are realising it.
    yours sincerely
    irate internet guy

  3. those pannels are uggggggggggly!

  4. the jealous ones'll always envy so you dare say it now who wants it
    let them fuckers spite ya

  5. There sick and they all no what there doing , spesh elsy

  6. big up the add famalamaaa
    zamy elsy osha bogs ages34 erny sela meph ekoes and all the addicts
    fuck btp rip ozone oldy rizer

  7. yeh sick video even if sum of the pannels are wak.... ADD are fuckin bait doe i bet there the next cru 2 get shifted!!!! y dnt u make a poll for that ????

  8. haha fucking brilliant

    in a funny way this actually makes them crew of the year for me

  9. how do they make Montana come out like Dupli Color?

  10. freezing cold+sharing a singal blocked fat cap but u legal faggots wudnt no about that shit

  11. Straight toys painting acouple of spots very badly. like 90% of london they think they do not even have to try to have style. Crew of the year?!? help us.

  12. This is a very small example of add, zamy alone in 2009 went from the myspace teenager that paints tubes but gets nicked once a week, to one of londons most active tube writers in 2009

  13. haters should drop there crews after there comments, then we see how many people cant hold there own. Theres more than 'a couple of spots' in that video alone.

  14. wat is it these days with writers, a year under there belt and they think they can come out n do a video like they sum legends, keep that shit behind closed doors until yur ready

  15. Crew of the year poll has over 100 more hits then the other polls some kid on his school server pressing refresh and voting again. not that this shit matters but still for kids like add its important to win this trife

  16. "like 90% of london they think they do not even have to try to have style."

    yeah and most of the other 10% think that biting shit out of Xplicit Grafx magazine is what 'having style' is all about. e.g Berp, Famos

  17. "Straight toys painting acouple of spots very badly."

    every little met yard in the city is what you actually ment

    im not in add, but these kids have got it on smash and desrve it more than anyone else.

  18. Wouldn't say crew of the year and all this voting shit is a load of bollocks but respect for the video.. good to see some proper graffiti even if it is toy it still looks jokes.

  19. "every little met yard in the city"


  20. Anonymous said...
    how do they make Montana come out like Dupli Color?

    11 JANUARY 2010 10:06
    Anonymous said...
    freezing cold+sharing a singal blocked fat cap but u legal faggots wudnt no about that shit


  21. what you dont know cant hurt you son....

  22. Going yard with 1 blocked fat cap and no style


  23. ADD CREW are big all haters fuk your seleft

  24. not going yard and then hating on the most out there... as gay as it gets

  25. this video does not do add justice, and yes add have done every lil met yard in the city you fucking parasite

  26. i dont see any other 15 to 17 year olds goin yard..... big up add

  27. "Going yard with 1 blocked fat cap and no style


    thats graff ya fucking mug! all the kings started this way. check say, Fume's stuff from 92-94, it wasn't up to much but at least it was on a fucking tube and look where he went from there. people used to coat Skore off when he started cos his pieces only covered half a BR panel, cos he was too short. it wasn't long before he was doing some of the first t2b's on those big trains. Vizo (RIP)
    trackwalking with a Pentel! thats pure passion for graffiti.

    so keep checking hurtyoubad and saying shit like 'LOLGRAFF' and following the latest gimmicks and trends, leave the bombing to those that know...

  28. Haters will always hate, theyre not doing it because they think they're legends its just a cuple of minutes of memerable footage that some people felt like sharing. Its only a handful of action from a few members, the footage aint no batty back jumps, for those that know what yards are what shoud give respect, instead these envious computer neeks hate. The haters will come back with 'oh no style' but these kids dont go yard with their montana golds bought using mummy's card, alot of the footage u cant see what the pieces look like so dont chuck the words 'no style' around when you aint seen the flicks.

  29. All this about cheating is bullshit, who cares who wins its sum gay poll on the internet, they dont give a fuck if they win or loose they dont check this shit.

  30. ur saying going yard with 1 blocked fat cap and no style is bad look at tox he used to go yard with no paint and no style, bomb every train with a pen and i would love to see some1 say tox is wasted

  31. ELSY ZAMY RAWS HELP NOZY BOGS BREAK SELA INSE are doin there bit...the rest NEED to stop catting

  32. I FORGOT....+CONST

  33. sidney the ragga snake11 January 2010 at 19:43

    errmmm... who the fuck are ADD!? i've never heard of them - Zamy is the only writer that i've seen up out of that list.

  34. 11 JANUARY 2010 19:10
    Anonymous said...
    ELSY ZAMY RAWS HELP NOZY BOGS BREAK SELA INSE are doin there bit...the rest NEED to stop catting

    were talking about ADD, not SP...

  35. which one of ADD are cartrain?

  36. personally i think OA should have been in the poll

  37. cartrain never was add he was zamys sendout


  39. this exemplifies the whole divide in graf...

    those who know whats going on, painting the best trains in the best yards, doing platform plots n shit...

    and then a bunch of queer haters who buy their paint and would prefer a berp piece on a br than real graf in a real yard.

    you homos dont know where your culture and where it started. your an embarrassment get back to flickr and dont comment about what you dont know.

  40. sorry about the essay but it proper pisses me off its like busted trying to educate u about punk music...

  41. everything on that youtube channel is joooooookes

  42. open your minds like a buddah11 January 2010 at 21:06

    add's graff looks like shit. it really doesnt inspire. but i rate them for having having heart and doing things that most dont. and that does inspire.

    it doesnt mean im more impressed by them than a writer with sick style that arent on tubes. but you cant do everything at once. everyone plays there part.

    everyone stop hating eachother, grow up and stop begging drama its only graffiti.

    oh and the poll was obviously fixed by add iether at school or by sending out a message on myspace/facebook whatever. haha

  43. nigga please, graff london awards mean nothing, no one is that sad to 'fix' the vote

  44. ^^ yeh well they did, add are all over the internet. not only dem all new writers are... computer generation and all that

    vid is raw.

    but your gonna get watched hard that is HOT and everytime your ip logs from your youtube (among many other sites) and boydem will trace and see patterns.

    Be careful else it be your last.

  45. talk of a divide, its like that for a reason coz some dont understand and are bought up on new graphotisms and gossips stories on this shit, dont try bridge it
    still tho, thse guys got 1 2 years under there belt? like i sed before what happened to mastering yur shit? everyone wanna go out n be the next FDC, jus keep it to yurself, shits the right thing to do for a lotta reasons, and they mount up as the years go by, i rate these guys a lot and as much as that vid amused me its jus a bait mess, n i kno about bait messes...its yur history not yur proud moments

  46. add are young but people are goin on asif ther kids still at skool or summin jst shows tht none of use kno em so why u chattin shit....fuck add

  47. Personally I wouldn't listen to any comment that fails to use proper grammer and spelling such as 'yur' and 'sed'.

  48. oiiii bludddd fuck addd bare pussyholesss famm

  49. add stole my hatt! fuk dem fam better watch der shit boy

  50. i think refs is getting a bit jealous

  51. thats because ur a fag mate..... add are goin on too bait those vids on youtube are ridiculus i cld clock u from that shit alone.... watch u all get nicked.... respect for wt u dun tho bois... ad deserve it

  52. is zammy atg????

  53. add can suck out subtract crewdem 4 lifey bruv straight outa cumbernauld.... blap

  54. add are gays
    but zamys in, hes hot
    panik atg.

  55. "i cld clock u from that shit alone" phahaha no you couldnt


  57. RT should be crew of the year.

  58. "add stole my hat" loooooooooooooooooooooooool

  59. so could i the 1 doing the els inside was clearly erm mayb els
    the 1 doing the help panels was erm cud it posibly be help?
    oh and as for the 1 doing the zamy panel thats gota of been ian beile out of bloody eastenders ive clocked them all btp start handing out the conspiricy charges lets getem lads

  60. naahh mate the one doing the inse panels is ian beile , trust me ; )

  61. that must meen zamy is the fresh prince of brl air

  62. removed video, man i really wanted to see those ogs in action

  63. watching this vid it was fucking embarrassing when i realised that they weren't all 9 years old

  64. whichever dickhead said they dont "go yard with montana gold bought with their mummies cash" tell me where they racked their 94s from then

  65. how dare someone mention tox in the same sentence! tox 01 - tox 10 !!! fuck off and die you one year wonders. fucking sort it out, respect to them for painting, just get your fingers out of their bell ends

  66. oooohhhhh touched a nerve there? look at you hating under your anonymous username. just cos you dont know where to rack montanas from dont mean you cant. I guess to you triangle sidings is still a myth made up to scare toys. get your dicks out of your harddrive and go out and paint

  67. The Legend of triangle siding (woooooohhhhh)

  68. "tell me where they racked their 94s from then"

    there are plots for posh paint believe it or not! but if you don't have one you can always do some fundraising by racking shit you can sell then buying 94s, simple.

    this is basic graff tactics, all toys should be doing it. graff is about not paying for shit. remember what it said in Subway Art, 'buying paint is not considered sporting'. true then and true now

  69. subway art aint no bible! thanks for the tips on how to make money as well. fucking nice one. anonymous is ok in my book, call yaself mickey finn! grow up and listen to some proper drum and bass. everyone hates on shit graff that hots spots, go and do some tracksides or street bombs before we all give you the respect you so fucking crave on the net. (people used to practice before they hit yards................)
    its that vid that people abroad see and kiss their teeth and tut tut at how wak our london youts are. myth of the triangle! no doubt you done bricky as well, big tings! you still look SHIT!!!! and that should be the last thing you think of before you go to bed at mummys house, not how much of a badman you are for rinsing spots. it took people a while to warm to tox..........shartthefarckup

  70. your names are wak as well!

  71. look how serious you people are do u think they give a fuck about a poll, someone just put an edit together for somefun, they was probs out aintign whilst you wrote your essay, do u think they give a fuck about the euro bods, europeans are the plot rinsers they come over and sit at woodford backjump all day, dont lecture people about street bombs people want to street bobms they will, get off the computer and go and feed your crack baby u old man

  72. Congo Natty, fuck off

    'people abroad', who gives a fuck about what some twat with a mullet and fluorescent hot pants thinks about London? the Eurotrash geeks who treat subway systems like rare birds that they tick off a list are the REAL plot rinsers. hotting up other countries is a way of life for them. and they are your heroes??? that says it all...

    'do some street bombs' haha who talks this way? streets are for the tourists, trains are for the purists.

    'grow up and listen to some proper drum and bass' you what??? the name Mickey Finn goes back further than the fucking DJ, look it up...

  73. Add suck balls. They're an example of what's wrong with London graff. They havent got a fucking ounce of style between them. Shitty re-hashed london letters, pitiful bites of pitifull DDS bites. Yes they are painting tubes, they aint the only ones either. Some people do it... with style!

    And before you say it, Tox didnt give a fuck about style, but he smashed it harder than any of these clowns, I dont see any of them up.

  74. ^^what he said^^
    you guys aint up. end of

  75. the frustration and jealousy in some of these comments is amazing!

  76. "streets are for tourists" yeah tell cosa that, tell anyone that! and yeah there is pure frustration up in here, and i doubt much jealousy, just look at the letters and can control. i havent seen one trackside either dont mean shit if all you hit is trains in this day and age im afraid

  77. And annother thing, what kind of "real graffiti crew" gives two tugs about being voted Number one graff crew on some fucking forum?

    I cant tell you now, I'm not jealous, in fact, i think ADD are even more pathetic, (even more than thier pathetic pannels) for voting for themselves in this farse.

    You think anybody other than these chumps gives a fuck? I hope ADD win this shit, its an embarrassment.


    the polls are a bit of fun so ADD had some fun with them

    you do remember what fun is don't you? clue: it doesn't involve reading Xplicit Grafx or browsing the ATS crew flickr page

  79. haha, tell me whos doing tubes, tell me what gone done on christmas and who done it, different people in add did things whilse, you was opening your socks, and while u old internet wankers was giving your kids the presents you brought with your shitty libary jobs

  80. Magazine Collector12 January 2010 at 11:35

    won't somebody please think of the Euros!

    they are our Gods, we need to appease them with a toy sacrifice

    all Brits might be banned from great websites like then who will we bite?

  81. Can anyone tell me where I might find some photos of Berp panels? I saw a few on hurtyoubad and I thought 'this young gentleman really knows his Xplicit Grafx from his Underground Productions.' The photos showed a virtuoso biter at work, a real master of the craft of biting. He reminded me of the great Nok One, famous in his day for plagiarising obscure European writers. Please help an old magazine collector feel like he's in the know.

    Regards, Magazine Reader (Mrs)
    Middle England

  82. Yer yer these panels are sick!

    Watch out for MK3 though next year!

  83. It made me laugh when i worked out who the people posting these hatin comment are. The ones who never did and never will do what add are doing. Just because you might know a people who have done abit you still aint shit. You love to talk on here but i dont see you on the lines, how much did you do in 09? Dont talk about style when you are all cattin crappy euro styles because some of the most esablished and prolific london writers started by putting shit outlines and tags on little mets and going yard just to bomb. Graffiti aint just about style, although that is an important part. I cant tell you now 100 percent add have done more steel in the last year than all of you haters so shut up crying on the internet or DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

  84. ^well said

    i noticed someone getting touchy at the first mention of a certain crew... a crew with nothing on the lines or the streets... who love to chat shit about 'London style' at any opportunity...

    haha fun and games on the net

  85. BRUV ADD AINT HOT.. THE VID IS A VID INIT NOTHING MORE I SEE TOYS MAKIN VIDEOS THESE BOYS AINT KINGS!!! mayb they shuld stick to there legal walls get there styles a lil bit fresher then get on the tubes... they made vids of a cuple of tube yards.. well done.. fukin hell bruv the only one doin it in the crew is zam hes out there.. as for writers like BREAK, RAWS, AND INSE... pfft i doubt it that there out there... break is just some next guy who liked arse to get in crew prob raws is a nobody and inse well the only runner i seen of his is on a poxy BR! KICK THE TOYS FROPM THE CLIK N UR ONLY LEFT WITH ZAM... fukk add u bunch of bitchs

  86. bruv add have all basically got the same style... bunch of cats.. i know for fact they all got on there computers and all voted for themselves... look at the list u got hot crews to vote for... y would people vote a bunch of bumpkin toys that call themselves ADDICTS to win crew of the year bruv they have only been around about a year.... the only tubes i have really seen of theres is on centrals... they rinse hainault n b8 things for others.. if any of use r readin this... stop baitin shit from ur bakgardens n get out there then mayb people might vote u as crew of the yearr,,ONE DAY THATS IF U AINT BEEN ROLLED ON BY THE BOYDEM..... we got HOT crews on that list that have been out there b4 most of u man was born yh? n suprisingly use lot get 100 votes in a day? bruv use lot must get twitches in ur finger whilst holdin the mouse coz i dnt know 10 writers that would vote for u lot...let alone 100... get bak to the drawing board boys n sort ur shit out.. or just stop init.. i aint hatin ITS FACT...

  87. ^LOL

    hot means bait. who are you, Paris Hilton? 'thats like so hot omg lol!'


  88. "inse well the only runner i seen of his is on a poxy BR!"
    yeah hes shit as fuk but tht comment really jst shows how much u kno lol

    i swear everything bein said on this site really just shows that either no1 knows them or has ever met any of them or ther so stupid ther goin by what they see on the internet and 4 sum reason think that if u smash trains ur guarenteed 2 get runners? idiots lol

    plus u obviously dont get the idea of a crew if ur sayin kick all the people out tht aint doin asmuch....a crews a group of mates tht paint n jam 2gether nt about how gd u r at paintin or how much u do lol

  89. ¡¡¡ʞɔɐɹɔ

  90. """"bruv add have all basically got the same style... bunch of cats.. i know for fact they all got on there computers and all voted for themselves... look at the list u got hot crews to vote for... y would people vote a bunch of bumpkin toys that call themselves ADDICTS to win crew of the year bruv they have only been around about a year.... the only tubes i have really seen of theres is on centrals... they rinse hainault n b8 things for others.. if any of use r readin this... stop baitin shit from ur bakgardens n get out there then mayb people might vote u as crew of the yearr,,ONE DAY THATS IF U AINT BEEN ROLLED ON BY THE BOYDEM..... we got HOT crews on that list that have been out there b4 most of u man was born yh? n suprisingly use lot get 100 votes in a day? bruv use lot must get twitches in ur finger whilst holdin the mouse coz i dnt know 10 writers that would vote for u lot...let alone 100... get bak to the drawing board boys n sort ur shit out.. or just stop init.. i aint hatin ITS FACT..."""

    state your name you little pussy
    always dirty damage


  92. No Oker pretended to be Refs pretending to be ADD to make refs look like a silly!!

    noodles xx




  94. add r a super duper wickedy wowow crew.. totally awesome taggers...

  95. Bumpkins ya know lol what zone 2 to 4. All u net fags treat this site as the bible, u all have ur little favourites: local surbiton br bashers who all u lot seem to fink smash it just because u see it on here. ADD arent up nar? people like zam els bake ages34 erny soho dont spring to mind nar? Just because their shit aint on here everyday u seem to fink they're just 1 time wonders posting a youtube video, that video aint even a tenth of what theyve done in the last year. U all seem to be going on how theyre toys but how come some of them paint with people like 'tox, zom, 2kold, 10ft, boms' all people you net guys adore. Doesnt that show u something kings, dont paint with people like chunga for a reason.

  96. Hey guys when i do the taggin im hardcore too these makes the soul real writer. I feel paint and heart is strong like the steel train in midnight..

    all hard real graffiti bomber feel and know this is real deal

    respect from da shponselploopen

    I am also fond of ein krink toiletbrushen on ze laftewoofen.... naughty!

  97. els bake ages34 erny!!!!!! oh my dayzzzzzz why didnt you say sooooooo!!!!!!!!!

    holy shit dem manaman is run ting!!!!!

    crew of the year is done and dusted.... its oveeeerrrrrrrrrr.

  98. See you dont know fuck if you wernt noncing on the internet and actuly out there in the know you would give respect. Dont say oh but other people do more that ADD dont know about, trust add know what gets done too thats why they give respect to real people in the game and not br bashing surry guys or 2 trackside legal bods.
    You lot are just all pissed because ur local suburbian favorite didnt get a mention 'omg why didnt Lgw win, i was sure OA would run this poll with all refs banging dubbings i saw on budd909's flickr acount, God damm it fuck graff its dead'.....An insight into ur average grafflondon regular.
    This shits over hate all you want ADD will keep going even after all the cases and gay net talk.

  99. meh.............

  100. keep the beef coming were loving it


  101. Just watch 2010 and then talk this time next year.

  102. stop giving the toys so much attention......they cheated on the voting and probably feel stupid just let them get on with their toy panels

  103. "so how come they paint with people like tox, zom, 2kold etc...." dont make you not a toy! soe...rigs...mwa...medic most of wmb & sfl as well...they might be up but its still butters ugly graff! you lost all the credibility with that name drop session you done up there fool. bet dds are well impressed with you beggin on them. you will soon realise graff dont revolve around them, certainly dont around you little boys!

  104. yeah cuz u really know whos sayin wot on this anonymous bullshit site....u gullible twats believin everything u read lol

    yours truly, anonymous bullshiter.

  105. congo natty you fucking walad. YOu have been checking this and posting on it every day so its clear to see you are not 'out there' and your a silly little net hater chatting shit about a crew doing things you never have, nor will. How can you call rigs mwa and most of wmb and sfl toy, it shows what a clueless neek you are. Fuck off to Brighton and paint legal walls if thats what you want to see london aint for you. You give it the big talk on here every day, get a life. If your such a big man leave your word or crew. See how long the pathetic, meagre amount off graffiti you claim to know about lasts/

  106. they are shit at graff, they cant paint, its all part of being toy. and yeah i have loved checkin this for the last 2 days winding you lot up. you know who i am but i aint into net self promo, i am into net jokes though! RIP LONDON GRAFF. latas patatas

  107. But congo natty Your shit at graff. R.i.p london graff to you, cos your not involved x

  108. all the dozy net commentators bumlick ATG for doing full colours, but people like Mwa and Futa take more colours to illegal plots than ATG do. and its all Plastikote and Hammerite. i like Mwa's style too.

    if they were from Berlin or something and in a magazine people would be loving them. look at the shit that passes for style in Berlin nowadays, that 70s retro shit. its fucking awful but some people here can't get enough of it purely cos its painted by middle class wankers like themselves. i see FOPS are biting that style now. and so it continues...

    keep up the elitism and complaining about London style, you are not part of the solution

  109. mwa and futa take more colours to do illegal plots than atg do?.....ok mate.

    Have you been to Berlin? it has the best graffiti scene in europe and if you dropped all of futa and mwahs graf into the middle of it they would not even be glanced at.
    wmb and sfl are toys because they have no style.Just because you paint loads and have knowledge of yards etc that does not protect you from being toy.
    but your right complaining is not part of the solution.

  110. add are up, there banging it more that anyone proberly. there young and they know what there doing. At the end of the day, why anyone hatin casue they aint doing what add are.?
    bare crying over shit.

  111. at the end of the day you cant hype beacause you dont graffyou havnt got the first clues about what graff is so shut the fuck up you pussys , watch your youser posts grow and add will watch the pannels grow .... what ways more your posts or add,s photo collection think about it you bumkin south toys and refs ......

  112. add have painted more tubes in 010 than grafflondon users have in there lifes go fuck yourselves

  113. FUCK ALL THESE COMMENTS!! Always Dirty Dancing
